President Joe Biden signed into law critical legislation that will help protect service members who are survivors of sexual assault and harassment. It is a testimony to the hard work and determination of many people who refused to accept sexual assault and harassment as hazards of the job while serving. For the past 7 years, Not In My Marine Corps has made it our mission to hold the military accountable for failing survivors of sexual assault and harassment while demanding concrete change in the systems that protect offenders. This legislation will for the first time empower independent military prosecutors to determine whether those accused of sexual assault, rape, murder, domestic violence and seven other serious offenses will be prosecuted. This legislation removes prosecution decisions from commanders and represents an important, but not complete victory for military sexual assault survivors – and yet it is still the most significant military justice reform in our nation’s history. 

Other critical provisions in the 2022 NDAA include:


  • Significant sentencing reform, including judge-alone sentencing using sentencing guidelines

  • Enhanced victim’s rights, including the right to know administrative actions taken against an offender

  • Criminalizing sexual harassment

  • Independent investigations of sexual harassment complaints

  • Requirement that the Pentagon track retaliation

  • Enhanced policies for tracking missing servicemembers

  • Reform the military investigative agencies

  • Required assessment of racial disparities in the military justice system and discipline

“Not in My Marine Corps is proud to stand with the men and women who have fought tirelessly for this legislation. We are proud to represent survivors and advocate for them on a daily basis. This is not the end. There is still much work to be done. We promise to continue to keep fighting for servicemembers and to make sure their voices are heard. We are dedicated to ensuring that reforms are implemented, and that the remaining changes that are still needed to ensure an independent military justice system is in place.”